A musical monument to the post-war builders of the capital

Our new project entitled An Opera about Warsaw – The Best City in the World project has been kicked off. It will give rise to a new operatic work for a large orchestra to commemorate the rebuilding of Warsaw after World War II. The project is run by Sinfo-nia Varsovia in collaboration with partners: Teatr Wielki – The Polish National Opera, the International Festival of Contemporary Music “Warsaw Autumn”, and the Museum of Warsaw. The premiere of the work is planned for 2025. The project was presented to the media by its contributors during the press conference on 10th February.

More information in the press release.

Od lewej: Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska – Przewodnicząca Rady m.st. Warszawy, Jarosław Trybuś – pomysłodawca i kierownik projektu. Fot. serwis SV

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