Children’s zone

Children are a special kind of audience: they expect play, they are curious (sometimes excessively!), they ask many questions, they want to try everything for themselves, and they have lots of ideas. They can turn even the best lesson plan upside down. What is more, they are in the best position to develop their natural musicality. All of this makes children the most demanding art audience. Our offerings are meant to meet children’s needs as well as those of their parents and guardians.

Small children (ages 0-5)

Together with the Music is for everyone Foundation, we have prepared a special series of family concerts aimed at preschoolers, babies and pregnant women, named Smykofonia on Grochowska Street. These concerts take place in a child-friendly atmosphere, providing a sense of safety and closeness, both to guardians – everyone sits on the floor, so your mom is always only a hug away – and to artists – who perform within the reach of mom’s hand. The program and scripts of these meetings are suited to the audience’s young age and include interactive elements (singing, playing instruments, and dancing together), with each event lasting around 40 minutes. The artistic part is followed by a session allowing guests to familiarize themselves with the instruments and musicians themselves.

Older preschoolers and young school children (ages 6-9)

Older preschoolers and students of grades 1 to 3 are invited to participate in our musical events and try out different roles: of active listeners  –  during the Mornings on Grochowska Street series or story-driven concerts with theatrical and interactive elements, and of art explorers – during Action Labyrinth events and musical field games. Mornings on Grochowska Street and musical games are meant for families as well as organized preschool and school groups; Action Labyrinth is offered to school groups only.

Special events: Children’s Day and Saint Nicholas Day

Children’s Day and Saint Nicholas Day have a special place in the calendar of children’s events. These two events – taking place around June 1st and in early December – are almost completely filled with concerts, workshops, and other attractions for young audiences.

For families

Just as it is never too late to realize one’s musical passions, it is also never too early to get...
“Little Basil at Sinfonia Varsovia” is a musical mini-series for preschoolers and their guardians. It tells the tale of a...