Wednesday / 19:00
Wednesday / 19:00

My voice – my strength

Sinfonia Varsovia, ul. Grochowska 272, Warszawa

Lead: Justyna Jary
Dates: 8, 15, 17, 21, 22 June 2022, 7 PM
Location: Sinfonia Varsovia Concert Pavilion
Duration: up to 60 minutes

Join us for five vocal workshops led by Justyna Jary – a Warsaw-based artist, vocalist, and actress. Each evening will include movement, breathing, and articulation exercises as well as collective musicking around one shared theme. Justyna will be joined by an improvising instrumentalist who will sing a song at the end of each meeting. Justyna Jary has extensive experience in working with amateurs, discovering and unleashing the human voice, and encouraging people to collective singing. We invite both singers and those who do not believe in their strength and voice.


My Body – My Place – My Music

Relaxation, fun, and positive energy for everyone… Chill at Sinfonia Varsovia’s headquarters at 272 Grochowska Street.

Where, when, and how is music born? Perhaps it is even closer than we think? Perhaps it is just inside us? Let’s try to find the answer. For twelve June afternoons and evenings, we will be engaged in various musical and movement activities as well as exercises for rest, relaxation, and fun. No experience or skills are needed – just playfulness, good mood, and openness. Together we will be rediscovering music, listening to it inside ourselves, and awakening our imagination, senses, voice, and body. We encourage active participation, regardless of musical skills or physical fitness.


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